Summer training done. Temporarily Retiring @190 not out.

Hi everyone,

Firstly apologies for the huge delay in the post. I wanted to do it on the gym work that takes up the majority of my exercise during the working week. However i can’t yet get permission to take pictures in the gym so this will have to wait while I work out logistical/legal issues.

However the real reason I’ve not put a post up is because it’s not been a very successful training block. The gym work has been good and I managed another 3.5 hour sea swim, while also starting some swim sprints. I’ve also done a 6hr, 26 mile (a little shorter than I originally thought) trail run on the south downs way, on only 1 hours sleep. So not all bad. But I had planned to do two 6hr swims and a 50 mile run. Never mind, can’t dwell on what you haven’t done. It’s unproductive.

Spoiled the view somewhat...
Spoiled the view somewhat…

The main issue is that I’ve clearly lost all motivation to do any long swimming and im also feeling completely drained by the entire thing. I can’t generate any commercial interest despite some fairly promising initial leads, so the entry costs are starting to weigh on my mind quite a bit. Safe to say im getting to the point where ill have to make some fairly drastic lifestyle changes! I was fully signed up to do this regardless of entry fee, and I’m completely committed to do it, but it’s easy to let the mind worry when exercise isn’t going quite as well as hoped.

When I set out the training plan, I had specific goals to complete for the summer. That was get strength up in the gym, increase my longest swim and run distances (its true! See one of my first posts). There is no doubt I’ve been successful in all 3 – especially the gym work, and a huge shout out needs to go to Adam and Alex at Tullow for getting me up to scratch. There has genuinely been a huge improvement. Run up to 45 miles and swim 6 hrs also very commendable.

So what next? I really don’t want to get back into the sea for a bit, and I think it would be pointless to do so until I’m mentally in the right place to do it properly. I’ll continue with 2-3 sprint sessions (60-90 mins duration) but nothing longer until the end of October. I’m also going to stop long runs until I sort a slight structural weakness in my left calf which is causing havoc, and considerable pain, on my long runs. So instead I’m going to have 2 weeks (at least, possibly 3) of non-specific exercise. I’ve got 1 week off anyway, and then I think I’ll prepare for a rugby game. Risks are high but I miss the game so much, despite my many injuries. But hey, let’s see how much difference the gym work has made!

Fog only got worse! Also note slight heel strike and twist in right foot landing. Caused by tightness in left calf. Needs addressing
Fog only got worse! Also note slight heel strike and twist in right foot landing. Caused by tightness in left calf. Needs addressing
Police cheered us in to Brighton station. Huge thanks to colleague Johnny for accompanying me the whole way! Especially as it involved waking up at 3.30am...
Police cheered us in to Brighton station. Huge thanks to colleague Jonny for accompanying me the whole way! Especially as it involved waking up at 3.30am…

I’ll also get back on the bike and get a few rides in. I’ve put my time trial bike back together, and it needs a good bit of use (and a bit of tlc).

Also, and here is where I need your help, I’m trying to find fun ideas for a London 50-70 mile winter run which is niche enough to get interest from London based papers. Think ultra long scavenger hunt on speed… night or day. The aim I to start getting media traction for the main event so it can build up throughout 2015 and give me the best opportunity to nail my very ambitious target of £20k.

Anyway, it’s been a few very tough weeks without really having any especially tough sessions. It really does make you realise that you can only do what your mind is prepared to achieve and no one else can set your limitations.

Really didn't want to go in the water. But actually quite nice swim in the end as beautifully calm.
Really didn’t want to go in the water. But actually quite nice swim in the end as beautifully calm.

If there’s any big news ill let you all know on twitter, Facebook or email but I’m afraid it will be my last blog for a while as I take my break from A2A training. Fair enough when you consider that since the second week of May (when I unofficially started A2A training) I’ve done almost 190 hours exercise. That’s 10 hours per week average, including rest weeks! So I’ll call that temporarily retired at 190 not out.

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